Friday, September 24, 2004

the adventure continues.

The loading of the goods was nearly uneventful. Thankfully, Rita bribed her nephew into helping load by promising him a couch. They were negotiating having him help us unload, too...he had his eyes on the matching chair. He brought along a young man who recently underwent knee surgery to help.

It was decided that The Navigator would ride in the big truck, because the driver has no idea where to go. We were separated from Rita along the way. The Navigator was visibly disturbed and insisted we sit near a window when we got to the diner so that she could watch for Rita. I made small talk and said things like, "I'm sure she'll be right here very soon," and stuff. I tried to keep her distracted so she wouldn't worry.

I was hitting redial for the second time to call Rita when she walked into the diner. "Where were you!" asked Guess-Who.

They are chatting it up and I feel rude typing this while they do (because they keep talking to me and I keep saying "mmmhmm, yup" while I type this).

Sounds like the deal was cinched with the nephew by throwing in a couple of lamps.

Stay tuned for more...


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